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Flywheels and Energy Storage - Professor Keith Pullen
City University,
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Keith Pullen, Professor of Energy Systems at City University London develops high speed and low carbon energy technologies and has devised and patented a low cost energy storage flywheel based on use of steel laminations. This technology has been developed for initially automotive applications. Current research involves developing this for ground power application as an alternative to electrochemical batteries with power transmitted by an rotor mounted motor-generator. Unlike batteries, the flywheel can withstand tens of thousands of deep discharges and is not calendar life limited leading to overall lower cost of cost per charge cycle. His talk will examine the development of flywheel technologies and their potential contribution to storage of low carbon energy from renewable sources.

Keith started his career in Rolls-Royce in 1983 and undertook a PhD in microturbines at Imperial College under Rolls-Royce sponsorship. After two years in the oil and gas industry, he returned to Imperial College as an academic for 16 years and then moved to City University in 2008. His activities have led to 27 patent families, three spin out companies and 140 publications. He was recently employed as consultant to Mercedes F1 HPP in field of energy recovery systems.