Our core programme of free evening
talks on diverse engineering aspects
of engineering culture. Open to all.
Cycling Safety
Thursday 26 January 2023
6.00 - 8.00 pm
Image: Kathy deWitt / Alamy Stock Photo
The Building Society
55 Whitfield Street
London W1T 4AH
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If we are to meet the government expectation of 50% of all journeys in towns and cities to be ‘active’ travel by 2030, safety must be one of the main issues addressed - not only the reduction and elimination of road cycling accidents but also increasing the provision of safer places to cycle. During COVID there was a huge change in the ambition for cycling, but temporary cycling routes have come and gone and we seem to have returned to the slow lane in terms of progress. Panelists will present some recent successes and review the challenges that remain? In particular what should built environment professional be doing in terms of prevention of accidents and promotion of cycling?

Chairing: Mark Whitby - Whitby Wood / The Engineering Club
Lucy Marstand, TfL Design Policy Lead for Streets
Phil Jones, PJA -Transport Planner and Placemaker
Bryn Buck, Royal Haskoning DHV UK - Road Safety Auditor
Peter Murray, NLA and Construction Industry Cycling Commission (CICC)
Roger Geffen, Policy Director, CyclingUK